June 17, 2010

Info on The CStoys Blog Profile form!

Recently, we've putted up a form for our Blog team members to build a profile page. But there's some misunderstanding, which seems that some readers also filled in the form too. For your information, this form is not for making regular profile for regular CStoys customers. This form is especially for the CStoys Blog team members. Because, recently, we've been receiving respondant that are not blog team members. If you are not sure who are the blog team members, you can check at the sidebar.

So, once again I would like to say, the form is not for Non-blog team members. But the form is made especially for the blog team members to make their very own profile page. The profile page is for the purpose of giving ease for you to contact any of your favourite member on the team. So, I hope there is no misunderstanding, we understand your eagerness to help out the blog. But there are certain limitation we set for people to be part of the team.
So, Gomen!~

And for the some blog team members that haven't filled this form, please filled up the form quickly so that we can complete the Profile page and put it as soon as possible.
The form link: HERE
Thank you.

As for those members who had filled in the form, please wait for us to process the profile page (hope you understand, some of us are really busy people). Thank you for your cooperation.

Chief editor

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