June 10, 2010

Saban Brands talks Power Rangers at Expo

Today was the big day Saban Brands representative Elie Dekel came face to face with Mel. He came up to the stage holding with him their first major brand, the Power Rangers! With that in mind what could Saban Brands tell us that would make fans cry in victory and joy? Would they disappoint or would they make us explode in excitement? Read more to find out!

Saban Brands came in somewhat subtly and provided some news that we already knew. Dekel discussed the twentieth anniversary of Power Rangers and their reacquisition of the brand from Disney. Also he discussed their partnership with Nickelodeon and the new episodes that they will be airing. However it will no longer be a twenty episode series as previously stated. It seems they have extended the deal with Nick to air the show with forty episodes lasting seven days a week. They are still currently casting, will begin shooting the production in August and it is projected to air on Nick early 2011. Dekel seems to hint that possibly there is something for long-time fans of the series. He also spoke that the series will be going all out with a full multimedia blitz. He also said that Saban Brands has been allocated an excess of five-hundred million dollars and some of that money will be put towards Power Rangers continuously.

Something interesting to take for this is that they want to tap into is the fitness of the Power Rangers. They want to serve it as a role model to physical fitness and healthy lifestyles. That I must say is a good idea and an excuse to keep the angry parents from thinking that the violence of Power Rangers will rot the brains of children. Lastly Saban Brands tipped us again for new IP that they will be acquiring soon.

We too will continuously give you the latest in this developing story, we may even analyze what was taken from this deeper.

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