June 12, 2010

S.I.C Ixa and dark kiva set!!!

Let's take a look at these two hunks here! Lets look at the awsome Ixa first. Here we can see that not much changed from the S.h Figuarts version. Well, the head things are a little longer and the eyes looks... smaller? the head is kinda small, the body has perfect detail, okay... Well next is the shoulders they are gigantic compared to the S.H figuarts and RHS figures, thats a detail that is what i like unique! Hands not too big of a problem i guess, the ixa calibur looks nice and detailed! The belt and legs are awesome as they follow the robo theme alot such as using white and blue.

Next! dark kiva, this one is really not much of change there like chalice's S.I.C figure as they both a dark riders of the shows. But some detail, bandai decided to go super imaginative! you can see the armor is no longer like staright forward and such, but it is Kool to see some curves, pop ups, molded detail and something like flowing out blood on the shoulders, really like that as it keeps to the vampire and bat theme of kiva and dark kiva. on the arms, you can see almost hidden chains there. its like dark kiva's armour is going to crack and all the chains are like going to flow out and create a monster! i seriously agree with that extra detail that bandai added on! the same detail could be found at the legs. Now, did you notice something? dark kivat is spreding out its wings there! it is like, its waking up!

you maybe asking: do these toys worth if i have tons of money. my answer is: YES if u like kiva and you have the money get this one! i will give a 4/5 as S.I.C are too expensive! but overall, its a good set! so see you guys next time!

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