July 18, 2010

Ultraman toys in the International Toy festival 2010!

YES!~~ Cool and awesome Ultra toys was displayed during the International Toy Festival 2010. They got plenty of new released coming soon. And some are going to be resell again.

The holy grail of Ultrafans!! The UltraZeroEYE!!! YES! it's a DX toy. This is a sign that we'll be seeing Ultraman Zero's human Form!
They'll be selling the Ultraman Zero and Bellial vinyl figure again. And a preview on how the UltraZeroEye Works.

Other than the toys above, what actually really attract us are the Ultra Act figures!!
Bellial and Ultraman Zero will be releasing soon, this August! So, hope you guys are able to get ur sets of copies, I'm planning to get mine soon. XD
The most Ultra fans most loveable and hateable enemy, BALTAN, will soon be out as an Ultra Act figure. And Ultraman Mebius will coming in soon, together to make a good battle scene(that explains where they got the name Ultra-act!). I'm not sure of the release dates, but it'll definitely be after the release of Ultraman Zero and Ultraman Bellial.
Another loveable, and yet hateable kaijin or seijin(not really sure). Zamusha, will be out around the same time with Ultra Act Ultraman Mebius Figure and Baltan figure.
You can put an action scene! Really nice! I'm hoping to have them on my display shelves very soon. ^_^
Source: Amiamiblog

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