October 1, 2010

CSToys Blog needs you! Join the team!

Due to our growth we have decided to expand our range of articles. CSToys Blog is looking for more writers on team. What are we looking for? We are looking for Reviewers mainly, but also a bit more reporters. As for the vacant editor positions, that will be decided later. So here is the job descriptions:

Video Toy Reviewer - Kind of like ShukuenShinobi... So if you've got a video camera and you want to review for the blog then join us!
Written Toy Reviewer - Kind of shy? Prefer to write? Well you can do that as a reviewer who writes their reviews. So join in if that's you!
Show Reviewer - Basically you review the tokusatsu you just watched and you give us insight on how it was. You can do written or video, doesn't really matter as long as you can give us an interesting look on a series.
Reporter - Are you the type who likes to get the latest news before anyone else? Well if that is you, then you are perfect. We are looking for an enthusiastic, news mongering reporter who can give it straight to the people!
Columnists - They are kind of like a crossbreed between a Reporter and Reviewer. Basically they make specialized articles that give insight, information and interest for people.

Oh and for the reviewers I'd like to test a new grading system with you guys if you don't mind. It gives a more inside look on things than just a recommendation. The categories divide into articulation, paint, sculpt, durability (Build quality) and other (if it has a gimmick like sounds or a transformation). Anyway it's just an idea. So please send in your applications to cstoysblog@gmail.com. It is important that you can commit to your work because we love you... don't break our hearts!

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