June 13, 2010

Kamen Rider W! Finale Rumour

The Kamen Rider W series has been running halfway through out the series. And I've been posting Kamen Rider W future episodes sneak peek stories. But for now, the episodes will stop for  while and be back on air within 2 weeks time.
The current thing I want to state is, there's a rumour of how the finale will end. It's still rumoured, so don't put to much be depressed by the rumour I'm going to tell.

On the movie, Kamen Rider W Forever Movie: AtoZ/Gaia Memories of Fate, Kamen Rider Joker will made his debut. The movie will somehow be connected to certain upcoming episodes of Kamen Rider W(it is common in almost all the rider series).

According to some fellow blogger, at the end of the movie, someone with a "M" Memory will show up. His appearance will be similar to Terui Ryu's cameo in the Kamen Rider W and Decade: Movie Wars 2010.

"M" Memory will look like an inverted "W," and probably stands for "Masked Rider." (I rather if it was K instead of M, as K would certainly stand for Kamen Rider). The user of the "M" Memory is supposed to be Shoutaro's brother. He is said to be the Foundation X's trump card. It is rumored that he will manipulate Philip to use the "Z" Memory. The meaning of "Z" is still unknown. With Philip being manipulated, Shoutaro will need to rely on the Lost Driver to be able to transform to Kamen Rider Joker. This will be Joker's TV series debut. Shoutaro's brother will be played by Takuji Kawakubo, previously seen as Komon from Ultraman Nexus.

And here are the Kamen Rider W Finale rumors:

  • Kamen Rider Accel will fight against Shroud's Dopant form. Accel will end up in a comatose state and he will not appear in the final battle.
  • Shroud's Dopant Memory is still unknown.
  • The final battle will be the episode before the finale episode. The finale episode won't have any battle scenes, which is similar to Kamen Rider Hibiki's Finale.
  • It will end with a mysterious person giving a letter to Shoutaro, where it says that Narumi Sokichi had actually survived.
All thanks to Gekidan. Most of the above contain were written by him, I just copy and paste. Cause I personally am not sure of the rumour.
As for you guys, please don't take this too seriously. This is necessary gonna happen because it is still just a rumour.

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