June 18, 2010

Welcome to CSToysBlog.com

We actually went there and did it. We went .com now and we mean business. This allows you readers to access our blog more readily just by remembering the name and adding the .com at the end. Team members may be receiving blog emails. Which look like this, ex. henshinking@cstoysblog.com, exciting, huh? Sorry HenshinKing for using you as my example again. Seem the domain plan only supports one email, go figure. Anyway we did get a really good deal on the domain, although donations would be really kind of you to help support our funding; just send it through paypal at my email but we'll make a donation button. Along with all this we do have plans for the future. We plan to add a column filled with the latest store items! Cover conventions(Power Morphicon) and supporting all the CSToys fans in their endeavors! We also ask you to comment on some of our articles, create a discussion and make the place more lively. Give your opinions or even ideas, what you can say is up to you and up to us to moderate. Check our twitter too! We also hope to bring you the best reviews from the most famous reviewers (DosmRider, ShukuenShinobi, Jedimon, etc...), the latest news from our talented reporters, the most interesting rumors around the world wide web and more! We are the CSToys Blog and it only gets better ;).

*Notice* The new logo will be given to Team Members for them to use by request, so email me or the CSToys Blog email.

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