October 21, 2010

[UPDATE!] Mascot says, "What's My Name?" POLL!

Here's a word from our cute Mascot,
"Hello, it's me! the new mascot! Apparently you guys forgot one thing.. What's My name?!So, here's an easy task for you guys loyal CStoys Blog Readers! NAME ME! As long it sound heroic, cute(like what I am) and easy to remember~! So, GOOD LUCK TO YOU GUYS!!"
So, like what he said, NAME him. I personally came up with a few. ^_^
But since the cute mascot demands his name to be given by the readers, we'll let you guys name him and leave his name as a comment below. Once the name suggestion had accumulate at quite a number of amount, we'll put up a poll for other readers to vote. So, HAPPY NAMING!
p/s: This mascot was kinda grumpy earlier and I got CHIBI-rider kick directly at the face... ==lll
*Note: First 10 name suggestions will be used for the poll. 

OKAY! We've reach our name suggestion limit, SO, here's to time for you to vote for the best name!
Please Note that you are limited to 2 votes. So, you have 2 choices to vote. The most voted name will be the name for the Mascot.

Happy voting! ^^
The poll will be closed on 28th of October 2010. Exactly at 12 midnight. So, use the chance you have now!!

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