October 17, 2010

Payment transactions policies for Credit cards, Money Orders, and Checks

I believe this important announcement should be included in this CSToys blog too. This is taken directly from the CSToys' Youtube Channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/cstoys).

Dear Customers,


We have made some changes in our payment transactions policies for Credit cards, Money Orders, and Checks.

1. Changes in Handling Credit Card Transactions at www.cstoyjapan.com
2. Temporary Discontinuance for Money Orders and Checks at www.cstoyjapan.com
3. Winter Sale Vol.1 (Oct. 14 to Dec. 31, 2010)

1. Changes in Handling Credit Card Transactions

We have been using both "Paypal Website Payment Pro" service and "Paypal Website Payment Standard" service to handle our customers' credit cards. However, the former service is only provided to, not Japan, but US only, and it has been our challenge to manage all the credit card transactions handled by the service until now. This caused us more time to process orders and services, and also possibly this might be the cause of the infamous "Error code: 10001" issue since we have been using "Paypal Website Payment Pro" from both side, US and Japan.

To make the credit card transactions simpler for our customers and us, we have decided not to use "Paypal Website Payment Pro" but only to use "Paypal Website Payment Standard" :

-To make the checkout process simpler for our customers
-To avoid infamous "Paypal Error code: 10001" issue among our customers
-To handle various credit cards from the world

2. Temporary Discontinuance for Money Orders and Checks

We have been handling Money Orders and personal checks from our customers, but we have came to conclude that we need to stop handling it with the following reasons until we find a reasonable solution to start it again:

-Money Orders are difficult to track and often take more than a week or more to clear the payments.
-There are growing cases that some customers make a few orders by Money Orders, and keep the items for more than 2 weeks in pending and leaving them as they are, and most cases are no payment at the end. And this has been causing a lack of items for those who need them most.

3. Winter Sale Vol.1 (Oct. 14 to Dec. 31, 2010)

We will be having few sales before Christmas and the new year. And we will be bringing a few features to our store eventually. Please wait for the first Winter Sale from soon :-)

Once again we thank you for being patient and we will be back soon.

Masaki Seike
Japan Regional Director

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